የሻሼ ጉዞ (Yeshashé Guzo)- Helena Getahun-Hawkins
Shashé is a young sheep with big dreams of going to space. With the help of her friends, a kind duck and a thoughtful bee, she whips up a plan to turn her dreams into reality. Little does she know a journey to space is no easy task...
With playful illustrations, this exciting children's book is perfect for young Amharic readers and beginners alike!
ሻሼ ትንሽ ግልገል በግ ስትሆን፣ትልቁ ህልሟ ወደጠፈር
መሄድ ነው ። ይህን ሕልሟን ለማሳካት ሻሼ ከጓደኞቿ፤ ከደግዋ ዳክዬ እና ከቁምነገረኛዋ ንቢት ጋር ዕቅድ አወጡ።
ወደ ጠፈር ጉዞው እንደተጠበቀው ቀላል ሆኖ አልተገኘም...
ይህ አዝናኝና ተራኪ በሆኑ ስዕሎች የተሞላው የልጆች መጸሐፍ ለጀማሪ አንባቢዎች ምርጥ ነው።
Sneak Peaks!